How does the echarts log axis display data with a minimum value of 0

you need to use charts in the development. Because of the large gap between the data, you choose to use the y-axis as the log axis
but it is found that the minimum value of the log axis cannot be 0 (there will be a zero point in the data, and the minimum value needs to be displayed by bubbles)

what to do when the minimum value of log axis is 0 can not be found on the Internet. I hope the god can advise
or some other good way to show that the difference in data is too large

. When

data is 0, other histograms break, and bubbles with maximum and minimum values cannot be displayed


this you want to get the maximum value in the array and maxValue maxValue = maxValue% 5? MaxValue: maxValue+ (5-maxValue% 5); get the maximum value of Y axis ratio: maxValue / 5 maximum value: maxValue finished work

there are two solutions:

  1. traverse, set 0 to 0.01or 0.001
  2. sets the min value of the y-axis. yAxis: {type: 'log', min: 0.01}