What is the role of the parameter valid in this element check? What is the function of the parameter valid in this element check?

<el-form ref="formRoot"></el-form>
 this.$refs[formRoot].validate((valid) => {});

what is the role of the parameter valid in this element check? In what state is it true, and what does it mean when it is true?


  1. valid is a formal argument to the anonymous function [(valid) = > {}];
  2. Anonymous function as the actual argument to the function validate;
  3. When the
  4. validate function executes, it assigns a value to the formal parameter valid. Specifically, when the validate function executes, it executes the anonymous function at some point and assigns a value to valid. If validate check is for true, to execute anonymous function, valid is assigned to true;. If validate check is for false, to execute anonymous function, valid is assigned to false.
  5. The sort method that comes with
  6. js. The argument can be a compare function, which can be used as an analogy. Var newArr = [1Jing 3, 13J 4] .sort ((num1, num2) = > num1-num2); num1, num2 here has the same effect as valid.

means whether the form component validates (that is, whether all the form-item components pass), and true indicates yes.

check passed as true, does not pass false
