The novice asks for guidance on how Mini Program scrolls horizontally to the designated position.

Common web pages are typesetting from top to bottom, vertical typesetting, pull-up loading more
now the project needs to change typesetting into left-to-right typesetting, card typesetting, and load more when sliding left


is somewhat similar to the following figure (network picture, not my project)

I have three problems:

1. In Mini Program, how to slide to the left to load more?
2. If the user enters from sharing with friends, how to scroll to the specified product? Because there are other fixed cards in front of the specified item, and more left slide loading is still available
3. Click on the card to get a flip effect. The back shows the details of the product, but Mini Program can"t JQ, it-sharp cry-sharp

A rookie who has just graduated is usually engaged in the back end, but the front end is not good at it. Please write a small example-sharp worship-sharp


Code snippet


specify which element to scroll to through the path parameter
