Can you define multiple mutations

I defined mutations, in store.js and mutations, in store Module, isn"t it?

import Vue from "vue"
import Vuex from" vuex"
import moduleDashboard from". / modules/dashboard"
import axios from "axios"
Vue.use (Vuex)

export default new Vuex.Store ({

state: {
    userServerURL: "http://localhost:8080",
    stationServerURL: "http://localhost:8080",
    modules: {
        dashboard: moduleDashboard


mutations: {
    userToActive (state, inputData) {
        this.state.loginSuccessUser = inputData.user

const moduleDasboard = {

namespaced: true,
state: {
    temperature: 0,
    humidity: 0,
    solar: 0,
    atmosphere: 0,


mutations: {
    temperature (state, value) {
        state.temperature = value
    humidity (state, value) {
        state.humidity = value
    solar (state, value) { = value
    atmosphere (state, value) {
        state.atmosphere = value

method of calling module with commit

        store.commit("temperature", temperatureValue)
        store.commit("humidity", humidityValue)
        store.commit("solar", solarValue)
        store.commit("dashboard/atmosphere", { "atmosphere": atmosphereValue }, { root: true })

report an error
[vuex] unknown mutation type: temperature
[vuex] unknown mutation type: humidity
[vuex] unknown mutation type: solar
[vuex] unknown mutation type: dashboard/atmosphere


is fine, and then register the component
thisObj.registerModule ('dashboard', thisObj.state.modules.dashboard)
