Vue traverses multiple pictures stored in a field?

after uploading an image group (nine images), you want to render the ninth house image at the front end, and the server returns json data. How can vue successfully render multiple images in one field?
Front end Code:

<img v-for="item in item.conimages" class="mui-col-sm-6 mui-col-xs-4" style="white-space: normal;height: 110px;width: 32.3%;" :src="item" data-preview-src="" data-preview-group="1" >

the data returned is:


" sdfsfsd ". Split
split the string into arrays

process the string into arrays and then v-for

v-for="item in item.conimages.split(',')"

use a calculation property:

computed: {
    conimages: function () {
        let conimages = this.item.conimages
        return conimages ? conimages.split(',') : []

// template
v-for="item in conimages"