Dva.js GettingStarted

there is a problem with the operation of dva GitHub demo

document address


problem description

here is the code for the document, without any changes. npm start after reducers add does not play a role, only effects add works. The number of the resulting problem will be subtracted by 1 after clicking the button for 1 second, but will not be added by 1, and the highest score will always be 0

import dva, { connect } from "dva";
import { Router, Route } from "dva/router";
import React from "react";
import styles from "./index.less";
import key from "keymaster";

const app = dva();

  namespace: "count",
  state: {
    record: 0,
    current: 0,
  reducers: {
    add(state) {
      const newCurrent = state.current + 1;
      return { ...state,
        record: newCurrent > state.record ? newCurrent : state.record,
        current: newCurrent,
    minus(state) {
      return { ...state, current: state.current - 1};
  effects: {
    *add(action, { call, put }) {
      yield call(delay, 1000);
      yield put({ type: "minus" });
  subscriptions: {
    keyboardWatcher({ dispatch }) {
      key("+up, ctrl+up", () => { dispatch({type:"add"}) });

const CountApp = ({count, dispatch}) => {
  return (
    <div className={styles.normal}>
      <div className={styles.record}>Highest Record: {count.record}</div>
      <div className={styles.current}>{count.current}</div>
      <div className={styles.button}>
        <button onClick={() => { dispatch({type: "count/add"}); }}>+</button>

function mapStateToProps(state) {
  return { count: state.count };
const HomePage = connect(mapStateToProps)(CountApp);

app.router(({history}) =>
  <Router history={history}>
    <Route path="/" component={HomePage} />


// ---------
// Helpers

function delay(timeout){
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(resolve, timeout);

above dva@2, if the method in reducers and effects has the same name, directly ignore the method in reducers and execute the method in effects .
