Does the error mechanism in go use error or painc??

the try {} catche () {} structure in other languages is usually added under the entry function, and then trhow Exception is directly added when an exception occurs in the implementation of business logic


so in go, there are two ways, one is:

func A(a string) (res string, err error) {
    defer func() {
        if err := recover(); err != nil {
    res = B(a)
    return res, err

func B(b string) (res string) {
    if b == "a" {
        return "hello " + b
    } else {
        panic("params need a")

my question is:

  1. what is the usage scenario of these two methods?
  2. what are the consequences of abusing panic?

it is recommended to read two articles and you will understand.
Golang error handling is necessary to have a good understanding
