IE browsers cannot play videos in video tags


video is converted using a format factory. The original video is the .avi suffix, and the converted video is in mp4 format. After putting it in the video tag, Google can play the video normally, but IE can"t play the video normally, but IE can"t add
< script src= "/ /" > < / script >
. What"s the reason?


ideo-sharpBrowser_compatibility" rel=" nofollow noreferrer "> video- browser compatibility

video has a transcoding format problem on IE. Try transcoding to H.264 first

// IE  avi
<embed id='video-player' src='.avi' width='1340' height='500' type='application/x-mplayer2' autostart=false></embed>

// Chrome Firefox aviMP4  
<video width='1340' height='500' controls='controls'><source src='.mp4' type='video/mp4' /></video>
The reason for this is that avi is a video playback format available on IE that Microsoft withdrew from, while other browsers choose not to be compatible with it. Similarly, IE also chooses not to support HTML5 Video tags such as Chrome, that is, common video formats such as MP4.
