React native image cannot introduce pictures.

problem description

The picture component of

react-native cannot introduce pictures, and there is an error Can"t find variable Image

the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried

Baidu searched for a long time but failed to find a solution, and failed to use require to introduce web images.
seems to be unable to load pictures.
bosses help.

related codes

< Image source= {{uri:"icon_tabbar_homepage"}} style= {{width: 40, height: 40}} / >

the location of the picture is under drawable: myproject\ android\ app\ src\ main\ res\ drawable\ icon_tabbar_homepage.png

it's better to put the picture outside, not in the Android directory

<Image source={{uri:require('./icon_tabbar_homepage')}} style={{ width: 40, height: 40 }}/>

actually I don't have import image.
