Use vue-cli to initialize the project under Ubuntu, the project is locked, and you have to enter the password every time you save it. How to solve this problem?

use vue-cli, under Ubuntu to use vue init webpack (folder). This situation initializes the project without permission. If you want to sudo, it is equivalent to a project created by root. The owner is root, to enter the root password every time you modify and save it in the editor. How to solve it? A cloned project does not have a lock.

>sudo vue init webpack ()        //
>vue init webpack ()             //

 vue init webpack app    
 vue-cli  Failed to download repo vuejs-templates/webpack: EPERM: operation not     permitted, utime "/home/abcd498936590/.vue-templates/webpack/.circleci"

how to dry the lock, because sudo vue init is used to initialize, which is equivalent to root creating the project. If you don"t use sudo, you don"t have permission to operate. I have a headache. Ask the boss for advice

ps:, but now I can only use git clone to clone a repository. The cloned template is unlocked and can be edited normally


has been resolved and requires sudo. / sublime_text to have permission to save locked files
