Newcomers have just begun to learn vue, error reporting Cannot find element:. TechnologyChinese

the newcomer just started to learn that vue, wants technology_Chinese variable display technology, technology_English variable display develop, error, how to solve?

import Vue from "vue/dist/vue.common.js";

  <div class="title_div">
    <div class="space_div">

    <div class="technologyChinese">
    <div class="technologyEnglish">


  let technologyChinese = new Vue({
    el: ".technologyChinese",
    data: function(){
      return { technology_Chinese: ""}
    beforeMount: () => {
    mounted: function () {
      //console.log(li.length)  // 5
    methods: {
      getList: function () {
        const _self = this;
        let data = [
          { name: "1", age: "21" },
          { name: "2", age: "22" },
          { name: "3", age: "23" },
          { name: "4", age: "24" },
          { name: "5", age: "25" }
        _self.$set(_self, "abc", data);

  let technologyEnglish = new Vue({
    el: ".technologyChinese",
    data: function(){
      return { technology_English: "develop"}
    beforeMount: () => {
    mounted: function () {
      //console.log(li.length)  // 5


<style src="./assets/styles/index.scss"></style>


isn't import in script?

Please follow the official tutorial step by step. Vue documentation is rarely clear.

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