How to initialize nuxt vue/cli3.0?

nuxt"s document is cli2. Now that cli3 is out, how can I initialize it with @ vue/cli 3?

first look at how you need to initialize the nuxt project. There are several ways:

1. Official recommendation:

2, initial pass through vue init based on vue-cli 2

vue init nuxt-community/starter-template my-project

3. Existing projects based on vue-cli 3.0pass vue add

currently there is only one toolkit on the market: (I'm also writing one, but it feels similar, just slightly optimized)

needs to be executed in a project that you have already created :

vue add nuxt-starter-template

notice that the nuxt.config.js in the template is configured (different from the directory structure of the nuxt project created in the previous way):

srcDir: 'src/'