Element-ui2 uses render to render the contents of the columns in the table

I want to dynamically customize the contents of the columns in the table according to the value of tableKey in data. Different columns generate different contents, including different HTML tags. I don"t know how to do it, for example, how to replace the gender value in the table from 1 ~ 0 to Chinese characters for men and women, and add the tag el-tag, code as follows:

    <div id="app">
      <el-table :data="items" border>
            <el-table-column v-for="(item,key) in tableKey"                   
                     :label="item.label" v-if="!item.tp">
      <el-table-column :key="key" :prop="item.value"  :label="item.label" v-else>
              <template slot-scope="scope" :render="item.render(scope.row)">

     new Vue({
              el: "-sharpapp",
                     items: [{ name: "steven", age: 36, sex: 1},
                                        {name: "xixi", age: 5, sex: 0}
                     visible : false,
                     value1: "",
                     tableKey: [
                               { label: "", value: "name", tp: false },
                               { label: "", value: "age", tp: false },
                               { label: "", value: "sex", tp: true,
                                  render: (h, parms) => {
                                      return h("el-tag", {
                                              props: {
                                                      type: "success",
                                                      size: "mini",
                                   }, parms.row.status === 1 ? "" : "")

did not find that template has the attribute render. This rendering function should not be used directly in the template.
if different columns display different content, you can use dynamic components

<el-table-column :key="key" :prop="item.value"  :label="item.label" v-else>
    <template slot-scope="scope">
        <component :is="item.component" :row="scope.row"></component>
data: {
    return {
         tableKey: [
             { label: "", value: "name", tp: false },
             { label: "", value: "age", tp: false },
             { label: "", value: "sex", tp: true, component: "tagElem"}
components: {
    "tagElem": {
         template: "<el-tag type='success' size='mini'>{{row.sex === 1 ? '':''}}</el-tag>",
         props: {row:{type: Object, required: true}}

realization effect:

tableKeyhtml select, tag:

Scoped slot row, column, $index storetable demo


can't show
@ summer homework
