Echarts setting problem;



  1. how to convert the Chinese character "340" into" 3.4%"in tooltip?
  2. how to set the color and style of the Y-axis line on the left side of the word (I hope it can be set to dashed)?

divide 340 by 100 before the background returns data, and pass 3.4 to echarts

    tooltip : {
        trigger: 'axis',
        formatter: '{a}<br/>{b}: {c}%',
          type: 'line',
          lineStyle: {
              type: 'dashed'

{a}: series name
{b}: category value
{c}: numerical

isn't this configurable? when passing parameters, it is traversed as a percentage

use: formatter:'{c}%',
will look like this:


  1. ;
  2. : tooltip : {

  3. :clipboard.png
  4. it's a bit of a pity that the dot in front of the 'the rest of us' feels like it can't be set, but it doesn't affect it.