When vue uses elementUI, to customize the scroll bar, there is a gap between the table fixed column and the scroll bar, how to solve it?

when vue uses elementUI, to customize the scroll bar, there is a gap between the table fixed column and the scroll bar.
just started to directly override the "el-table__fixed" attribute of table to remove the gap, but the interface is dynamically adapted, that is, the height is not fixed, how to solve it?

in fact, you only need to overwrite the style to fix it


mounted() {
  window.onresize = () => {
    return (() => {
      window.screenWidth = document.body.clientWidth
      this.tableHeight = window.innerHeight - 165
      if (this.widowHeight !== window.innerHeight) {
  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 1000)
// table
  handleSuitTableHigh() {
    this.widowHeight = window.innerHeight
    const tables = document.getElementsByClassName('el-table__fixed')
    for (const item of tables) {
      setTimeout(() => {
        item.style.height = parseInt(item.style.height) + 7 + 'px'
      }, 100)
      const wrappers = item.getElementsByClassName('el-table__fixed-body-wrapper')
      for (const wrap of wrappers) {
        setTimeout(() => {
          wrap.style.height = parseInt(wrap.style.height) + 7 + 'px'
        }, 100)