Jmeter socket reported an error


  1. Hello, I have a php interface that now wants to do concurrent stress testing with jmeter, but often the thread will not move, so I have to stop and then jmeter has some socket connection errors.
  2. described above is 500concurrency, which is not a problem on my two back-end php machines where load balancing occurs. The problem occurs on a php server.

some puzzles

  1. when the thread is stuck, the native access interface can handle it normally, which means that there is no problem with the php server, but the problem with my jmeter?

  2. when I was in the stress test, the server CPU has been at 20%. No matter how many processes, the server"s CPU has been around 20% QPS 200. How can I reduce the server"s CPU to 100%? is it possible for distributed jmeter?
  3. if php is deployed on Ali Cloud using docker, does it have some performance impact?