Baidu map api, clicks a certain point on the map, which attribute in e represents the province to which it belongs?

I just got in touch with Baidu Map api, to achieve a function: Click a point on the map, and alert shows the province to which this point belongs .
beginners, I think there should be something I want in e

var map = new BMap.Map("allmap");
    map.centerAndZoom(new BMap.Point(116.404, 39.915), 5);
    function showInfo(e){
    map.addEventListener("click", showInfo);
I searched for

e for a long time, but I didn"t find any Chinese characters about the province, but I found


which one represents the province? " TANGRAM__aw " is this it?


you can exchange the lat and lng of point for

Map.getLocation (point), point as a parameter
