Antd Anchor anchor point, anchor point link href can be added to the custom label, do not want to use the own style

can Anchor anchor points and anchor link href of antd be added to custom tags? you don"t want to use your own style

import { Anchor } from "antd";

const { Link } = Anchor;

    <Link href="-sharpcomponents-anchor-demo-basic" title="Basic demo" />
    <Link href="-sharpcomponents-anchor-demo-fixed" title="Fixed demo" />
    <Link href="-sharpAPI" title="API">
      <Link href="-sharpAnchor-Props" title="Anchor Props" />
      <Link href="-sharpLink-Props" title="Link Props" />

if you write it yourself, you won"t be able to skip the id, at the bottom

onClickMenu = ({ item, key, keyPath }) => {
        if (key) {
            let anchorElement = document.getElementById(key);
            if(anchorElement) { anchorElement.scrollIntoView(); }


href attribute must not be added to other elements.
style can override the style of antd .
