Iview table render presentation problem

1. To make an editable table, I want to be able to use the render method of the table in the AotoComplete, in the editing state, but when displaying, I find that there is a problem with the calculation of the drop-down part of the AotoComplete, sometimes obscuring the text box, sometimes completely out of the text box



} else if(item.type=="autocomplete-select") {
                            return h("autocomplete-select", {
                                props: {
                                    value: currentRow[item.key],
                                    url: item.url,
                                    style: `width:${item.width-20}`

3. Try to test different situations. The control is also used outside the table, and it is found that there is no problem outside the table


inside the table





you can add props transfer

whether to place the bullet layer in body. It is recommended to add this attribute when used in Tabs and Table columns with fixed. It will not be affected by the parent style, so as to achieve better results

found a way to achieve the goal by controlling css by changing the position of the superior to relative, and changing the z-index of the drop-down box

.ivu-select-dropdown.ivu-auto-complete {
    z-index: 900;


.ivu-table-column-center {
    position: relative;

others have a better way, please let me know, thank you
