Vue submits data to the background through axios. The background can receive the data but cannot render it to the front end.

first of all, I want to dynamically refresh the part of the page by clicking a button to send the data to the background, and then the back end returns the data to the page to complete the rendering.
data passed by the front end

test2: function (currentRow){
            let transPara = currentRow
                method: "post",
                url: "/management/",
                data: Qs.stringify(transPara)

I verified that there is no problem in this part. The backend can receive the sent data.

def management(request):
    if request.method == "GET":
        graph_all = Graph.objects.all()
        list1 = [ for i in graph_all]
        data = [{"name":i} for i in list1]
        context = {"data":data}
        return render(request, "management.html",context=context)
    if request.method == "POST":

        return render(request, "management.html",{"pre":"ssss"})

the data received by the backend is as follows, but after post, the pre is not received by the front end and cannot be rendered

axios ({

            method: 'post',
            url: '/management/',
            data: Qs.stringify(transPara)
        }).then(data => {
            //  data