Found 52 vulnerabilities run `npm audit fix` to fix them

after npm install after cloning the project, the prompt as shown in the title appears and 52 vulnerabilities appear

After the

problem occurred, I did not take any action to continue to run npm run dev , and the project was running normally without any failure.

is it necessary to deal with these vulnerabilities? How did these loopholes come into being?


first, npm@5.10.0 and npm@6 has the command npm audit . This command is used to perform an immediate security review of the project dependency tree. The audit report contains information about security vulnerabilities in dependencies that can be fixed through easy-to-use npm commands and recommendations provided by the audit report for further troubleshooting.
to minimize unsafe code, it is recommended to use npm @ 6 +. Vulnerabilities are usually fixed by running the npm audit fix command.

< H1 > Why fix these vulnerabilities? < / H1 >

in the short term, these new alerts and npm audits will increase developers' awareness of known security vulnerabilities in their applications. They also provide operational guidance to eliminate identified risks.

in the long run, prominent vulnerability warnings and actionable security alerts will support everyone. When developers of popular packages notice that they have introduced vulnerable dependencies and switch to fixed versions, each package that relies on this popular package will now become more secure. Everyone can benefit from this network effect.

pay attention to this problem. I used the npm audit fix command to fix it, but after running various errors, the project could not be compiled successfully.
