The content cannot be displayed completely by using better-scroll to pull up and load the phone.

did a pull-up and load, and the plug-in better-scroll successfully called the data. However, there was no problem on the web page and there was a problem in the mobile phone test. The content could not be fully displayed. Here is the code. Please take a look at it.

< div class= "bscroll" ref= "bscroll" scroll-y >

              <!-- :to=""./doctorDetails?id="+item.DrId" -->
              <li v-for="(item, index) in seekDoctor" :key="index">
                  <router-link :to=""./doctorDetails?id="+item.DrId" class="is-doctor">
                      <div class="doctor-details">
                          <div class="img-box">
                              <img class="icon" :src="item.PicturePath" v-if="item.PicturePath" alt="">
                              <img class="icon" src="@/assets/seekDoctor/HeadPortrait_Doctor.png" v-else alt="">
                              <img class="label" v-show="item.IsPatientMain" src="@/assets/images/icon0810_04.png"
                      <div class="doctor-text">
                          <div class="name">
                          <div class="referral">
                          <div class="serve-box">
                              <div class="serve" v-for="(submitItem,submitIndex) in item.DrServiceItems"
                                  <p class="">{{submitItem.SericeItemName}}

</div> </div> </div> <div class="count">



</div> </router-link> </li> <div class="textData" v-if="textFlag">{{textData}}</div> </ul> </div> <script> <!-- JS --> // scrollFn() { this.$nextTick(() => { if (!this.scroll) { this.scroll = new BScroll(this.$refs.bscroll, { click: true, scrollY: true, probeType: 3, pullUpLoad: { threshold: 100 } }); } this.scroll.on("pullingUp", () => { // this.textFlag = true let sumPage = { PageIndex: (this.courrentPage += 1) }; console.log(sumPage); setTimeout(() => { seekDoctor.getDoctor(sumPage).then(res => { this.seekDoctor = this.seekDoctor.concat(res.ReturnData); console.log(this.seekDoctor) this.textFlag = false if(this.TotalLength == this.seekDoctor.length) { this.textData = "" } console.log(this.seekDoctor.length) this.scroll.refresh() this.scroll.finishPullUp() }); }, 1000); console.log(""); this.scroll.refresh() this.scroll.finishPullUp() }); }); } // </script> ![][1]

is calculated incorrectly, so the data needs to be recalculated. Check your logic

recommend a better plug-in with powerful pull-up load and drop-down refresh. Mescroll
official website address:
