How to tell if ip is from Shanghai?

determine whether ip is from Shanghai? Return Bool value
is there any good implementation plan?


you can use the Taobao ip library address:

keyword qqwry should be implemented in all languages. The speed is the fastest, the cost is the lowest, and the accuracy is better

how to tell from the ID number which province a person was born?

then you must first have the mapping of the ID card number <-> birth province, Tiezi.

you can just find an API that will return to the region

online query on the Internet can get an approximate address, and then according to this address, find its ISP, to see which ISP dynamically assigns the address to, so it is possible to find out.

for batch query, you can use Tencent IP to locate ide-ip.html" rel=" nofollow noreferrer "> WebService API | Tencent location service . You can open 5 key, in one account and each key can be used for 1W times a day for free.

however, there may be inaccurate ip positioning.

