Pyenv: activate: command not found

problem description

anaconda installed with pyenv

pyenv install anaconda3-5.2.0
pyenv local anaconda3-5.2.0

the new environment is successful, but the activation environment is not good

conda create -n test
source activate test
-pyenv: activate: command not found

but what if there is activate
under .pyenv / shims?


because you did not specify the Python version when you created it, the correct way for conda to create a virtual environment is:

conda create -n [env_name] python=X.X 
source activate [env_name]
source deactivate [env_name]



about the virtual environment, you can refer to the two notes I wrote. I hope it will be helpful to you:

  1. ide-notes-virtualenv-and-manage-repository/" rel=" nofollow noreferrer "> PyCharm IDE usage Notes (1): create a new virtual environment and change sources | Thinking Realm
  2. Python | talk about virtual environment again | Thinking Realm

Thank you!
