Why does django no longer support runfcgi commands after version 1.8?

when we use python django manage.py runfcgi, there are sometimes errors:
Unknown command: "runfcgi"
this is due to the django version. The runfcgi command is not supported above 1.9. If you want to use runfcgi, to change the django version to 1.8, you can do so



Google Django Development discussion Group

On Mon, Jul 15,2013 at 10:06 AM, Curtis Maloney < cur.@acommoncreative.com > wrote:
As much as I recognise FastCGI is pretty much a dead technology in the Python world, for people stuck with cPanel sites like HostGator, it still appears to be, pretty much, the only option.

And installing uWSGI there is simply not an option there.

So unless there's a pure python FastCGI-> WSGI library built that supports Django, we're just closing the door on this avenue.

[I say this despite my personal loathing of HostGator. :)]

This would be my concern as well.

I have no love for FastCGI as a platform, but there's a wide range of hosting providers out there, especially at the cheap end, that don't provide a WSGI option.

The right option here may well be to say "Tough Luck" to these people and and encourage them to move to different hosting providers. However, I don't want to rush into this decision without considering the effect on the low end of our user base.

Russ Magee% -)

Discussion on


  1. WSGI has become the de facto standard for Python Web deployment. No matter mod_wsig, gunicorn, uwsgi have perfect support for WSGI; on the other hand, almost all Python Web frameworks will adapt to WSGI.
  2. FastCGI belongs to language-independent socket communication. When using FastCGI, the framework still needs to start with a WSGIServer service. Therefore, even if django removes the FastCGI support, you can still pick up a WSGIServer and start app, and then fastcgi_pass to the. So, to write WSGIServer to a special person to do it. The framework should reduce the body, and django has developed towards heavy type
  3. .

I guess that runfcgi uses FCGI and relies on flup, 's usual test environment to directly runserver.
visible runfcgi may be what django wants to provide to users in a production environment.
while django is a back-end framework, you should focus on the framework itself, not on the interaction between the framework and the server, which should be chosen by the user.
