The solution to the timeout of question 79 of Code Review: leetcode.

my idea is to violently match the first letter, and then match the remaining letters up and down like a gluttonous snake, while using a vector k plus a Hash to convert the coordinates to a unique ID, to record the path. If you have already passed, the match does not pass.

after writing, I feel that this way of writing is wrong, and it should be quite different from the correct way of thinking. I don"t want to look at the answer directly, so I hope to get a hint of pointing out the shortcomings of the code and the right way of thinking.

-sharpdefine HashP(A, B) A <<16 | B

inline bool goTo(int& i, int& j, int& n, int& m, vector<int> k,
          vector<vector<char>>& board, string& word){
    k.push_back(HashP(i, j));
    if(k.size() == word.size())
        return true;
    bool g1 = false, g2 = false, g3 = false, g4 = false;

    int next = i - 1;
    if(next >= 0 && board[next][j] == word[k.size()]
    && find(k.begin(), k.end(), HashP(next, j)) == k.end())
        g1 = goTo(next, j, n, m, k, board, word);

    next = i + 1;
    if(next < n  && board[next][j] == word[k.size()]
    && find(k.begin(), k.end(), HashP(next, j)) == k.end())
        g2 = goTo(next, j, n, m, k, board, word);

    next = j - 1;
    if(next >= 0 && board[i][next] == word[k.size()]
    && find(k.begin(), k.end(), HashP(i, next)) == k.end())
        g3 = goTo(i, next, n, m, k, board, word);

    next = j + 1;
    if(next < m && board[i][next] == word[k.size()]
    && find(k.begin(), k.end(), HashP(i, next)) == k.end())
        g4 = goTo(i, next, n, m, k, board, word);
    return g1 || g2 || g3 || g4;

bool exist(vector<vector<char>>& board, string word) {
    int i,j;
    int n = board.size(), m = board[0].size();
    // if(word.size() > n * m) {
    //     return false;
    // }
    for(i = 0; i < n; iPP) {
        for(j = 0; j < m; jPP) {
            if(word.front() == board[i][j]) {
                vector<int> k;
                if(goTo(i, j, n, m, k, board, word)) {
                    return true;
    return false;


The problem with

timeout is that I wait for the result g1gramme to all return , and I should immediately return when a result is true . Thank you @ Caocong for your answer


I wrote it in js. I don't know how different it is from cPP.
the basic idea is gluttonous, but I generated an object to store the coordinates of each letter
, which is faster than traversing the path once at a time

var exist = function (board, word) {
  const initial = word[0]
  const rest = word.substring(1, word.length)
  let flag = false
  let boardarr = {}
  for (let i = 0; i < board.length; iPP) {
    for (let j = 0; j < board[i].length; jPP) {
      boardarr[board[i][j]] = boardarr[board[i][j]] || []
      boardarr[board[i][j]].push([i, j])
  if (boardarr[initial]) {
    for (let i = 0; i < boardarr[initial].length; iPP) {
      f([[boardarr[initial][i][0], boardarr[initial][i][1]]], rest, {
        [initial]: boardarr[initial].filter(val => !(val[0] === boardarr[initial][i][0] && val[1] === boardarr[initial][i][1]))
      if (flag)
        return flag

  function f (path, word, barr) {
    if (!flag) {
      if (word.length) {
        const initial = word[0]
        const rest = word.substring(1, word.length)
        if (barr[initial]) {
          for (let i = 0; i < barr[initial].length; iPP) {
            if ((path[0][0] === barr[initial][i][0] && Math.abs(path[0][1] - barr[initial][i][1]) === 1) || (path[0][1] === barr[initial][i][1] && Math.abs(path[0][0] - barr[initial][i][0]) === 1)) {
              f([barr[initial][i], ...path], rest, {
                [initial]: barr[initial].filter(val => !(val[0] === barr[initial][i][0] && val[1] === barr[initial][i][1]))
      } else {
        flag = true

  return flag