If there is any good way to achieve it, click on other areas to hide the current product pop-up window.



document X ; document


the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried

I have tried these methods:
a. Turn it off wherever you click:

          var _con = $(".show-item");   // 
          var _son = $(".coming-soon-warp");
          if(!_con.is(e.target) && _con.has(e.target).length === 0){
          if(!_son.is(e.target) && _son.has(e.target).length === 0){

b. As long as this method exists, none of the other methods in this range will work

$(document).click(function (e) {
            var target = $(e.target);
            if (!target.hasClass("show-item") && target.closest(".show-item").length <= 0) {


what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?

1.   .show-item 
2.  .show-item X 
3.  .show-item  
4. .show-item  learn more  

    <div class="locksys">
        <div class="house">
            <a class="hight-light lever" data-item="Lever" data-name="UL3" style="left:24%;top:43%;"></a>
            <!--hight-light -->
            <div class="show-item" data-pro="UL3">
                <b class="close"></b>
                <div class="pro-contet">
                    <img src="<?php echo Yii::app()->baseUrl;?>/images/home/ul3.png" alt="" class="item-pic" />
                    <div class="more">
                        <div class="discirption">
                            <h4>Ultraloq UL3 BT</h4>

5-in-1 Smart Lever Lock

<div class="icon-list"> <span class="icon-utec-ul1-fingerprint house-icon"></span> <span class="icon-utec-app house-icon"></span> <span class="icon-utec-key house-icon"></span> <span class="icon-utec-code house-icon"></span> </div> <a href="<?php echo Yii::app()->createUrl("lock/ul3/bt");?>" class="button home-btn">Learn more</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body>

is there any good way to achieve points 3 and 4?


1. You can add a transparent mask layer and click on this mask layer to close the pop-up box
level should be: document < mask layer < pop-up box
2. The reason why you click anywhere will trigger because you click on something in the show-item area document event to trigger document event. Just add event.stopPropagation () to the click event of show-item to prevent the event from passing


/ *

     * documentdocument2:
     * 1. productIsOpen=false;
     * 2. document  productIsOpen  document  productIsOpen = true;
     * 3. document 
     *         a.  productIsOpen productIsOpen=true 
     *         b.    show-item!target.hasClass('show-item') && target.closest('.show-item').length <= 0true productIsOpen=false; ...
     * 4. .close  show-item target.hasClass('close') true productIsOpen=false; ...
var productIsOpen = false;
            var proName = $(this).attr('data-name');
            var target = $('.show-item[data-pro="'+proName+'"]');
            jQuery('.pro-contet', target).addClass('scale-one');
                productIsOpen = true;
            }, 500);
            var target = $(e.target);
                if(!target.hasClass('show-item') && target.closest('.show-item').length <= 0){
                    productIsOpen = false
                   jQuery('.pro-contet', $('.show-item')).removeClass('scale-one');
                }else if(target.hasClass('close')){
                    productIsOpen = false
                   jQuery('.pro-contet', $('.show-item')).removeClass('scale-one');

embed the product into a full screen transparent mask layer, which is turned off when the mouse clicks on the transparent mask layer
