Is there any way to expose the domain name when Mobile web forbids the drop-down in Wechat's browser without affecting the internal scrolling event?

I have tried to get: var startX = 0, startY = 0;

on the Internet.
    function touchStart(e) {
        var touch = e.touches[0],
            x = Number(touch.pageX),
            y = Number(touch.pageY);
        startX = x;
        startY = y;
    document.addEventListener("touchstart", touchStart);
    var ele = document.querySelector(".scroll");
    ele.ontouchmove= function (e) {
        var point = e.touches[0],
        eleTop = ele.scrollTop,
        eleScrollHeight = ele.scrollHeight,
        eleOffsetHeight = ele.offsetHeight,
        eleTouchBottom = eleScrollHeight - eleOffsetHeight;
        if (eleTop === 0) {
            if (point.clientY > startY) {
        else if (eleTop == eleTouchBottom) {
            if (point.clientY < startY) {

however, there is a scroll bar event in the page, but the drop-down does not work;


touchstart of document returns false
