The keyup event is called once for each word entered.

$("-sharpsearch").on("keyup",function (e) {

  if($(this).val().length > 0){

      type: "GET",
      url: "search",
      data: "search="+$("-sharpsearchbar").val(),
      success: function(data){



I now have a problem
but I have joined if ($(this). Val (). Length > 0) {
but if there are five words
he will send out requests five times.
means that I will see search-result-display this event five times.
is there any way to improve this situation?


set a delay. If there is no keyboard event within a certain period of time, the remote call will be triggered, that is, debounce (de-jitter)


the author can understand the two concepts of anti-shaking, and throttling!
