How does the H5 app mobile phone download guide page be compatible with Huawei's own browser?

opening APP, via URL scheme is supported by other browsers, but not in Huawei"s own browser.

you can solve it by putting this code in.

if (/Trident|msie|rv:/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
    navigator.language = navigator.userLanguage;
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
        if ( == window) {
            var div = document.createElement('div');
            div.innerText = 'Internet Explorer may cause your funds to be stolen, it is recommended to use Google Chrome';
            div.className = 'shitIE-tips';
            var s = document.createElement('link');
            s.rel = 'stylesheet';
            s.href = '/css/shitIE.css';
    }, false);

    window.addEventListener('hashchange', function() {
    }, false);

if (typeof Element.prototype.closest != 'function') {
    var ep = Element.prototype;
    ep.matches = ep.matches || ep.matchesSelector || ep.webkitMatchesSelector || ep.msMatchesSelector || function(selector) {
        var node = this,
            nodes = (node.parentNode || node.document).querySelectorAll(selector),
            i = -1;
        while (nodes[PPi] && nodes[i] != node);
        return !!nodes[i];
    ep.closest = ep.closest || function(selector) {
        var el = this;
        while (el.matches && !el.matches(selector)) el = el.parentNode;
        return el.matches ? el : null;
if (typeof Object.assign != 'function') {
    Object.assign = function(target) {
        if (target == null) {
            throw new TypeError('Cannot convert undefined or null to object');
        target = Object(target);
        for (var index = 1; index < arguments.length; indexPP) {
            var source = arguments[index];
            if (source != null) {
                for (var key in source) {
                    if (, key)) {
                        target[key] = source[key];
        return target;
if (typeof DOMParser != 'function') {
    (function(DOMParser) {
        "use strict";
        var proto = DOMParser.prototype,
            nativeParse = proto.parseFromString;

        // Firefox/Opera/IE throw errors on unsupported types
        try {
            // WebKit returns null on unsupported types
            if ((new DOMParser()).parseFromString("", "text/html")) {
                // text/html parsing is natively supported
        } catch (ex) {}

        proto.parseFromString = function(markup, type) {
            if (/^\s*text\/html\s*(?:;|$)/i.test(type)) {
                    doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument("");
                if (markup.toLowerCase().indexOf('<!doctype') > -1) {
                    doc.documentElement.innerHTML = markup;
                } else {
                    doc.body.innerHTML = markup;
                return doc;
            } else {
                return nativeParse.apply(this, arguments);

if (typeof String.prototype.repeat != 'function') {
    String.prototype.repeat = function(num) {
        return new Array(num + 1).join(this);
// From
if (!Object.keys) {
    Object.keys = (function() {
        'use strict';
        var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
            hasDontEnumBug = !({ toString: null }).propertyIsEnumerable('toString'),
            dontEnums = [
            dontEnumsLength = dontEnums.length;

        return function(obj) {
            if (typeof obj !== 'function' && (typeof obj !== 'object' || obj === null)) {
                throw new TypeError('Object.keys called on non-object');

            var result = [],
                prop, i;

            for (prop in obj) {
                if (, prop)) {

            if (hasDontEnumBug) {
                for (i = 0; i < dontEnumsLength; iPP) {
                    if (, dontEnums[i])) {
            return result;
if (!Object.values) {
    var reduce =, Array.prototype.reduce);
    var isEnumerable =, Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable);
    var concat =, Array.prototype.concat);
    var keys = Reflect.ownKeys;

    Object.values = function values(O) {
        return reduce(keys(O), function(v, k) { concat(v, typeof k === 'string' && isEnumerable(O, k) ? [O[k]] : []), [] });
    Object.entries = function entries(O) {
        return reduce(keys(O), function(e, k) {
            concat(e, typeof k === 'string' && isEnumerable(O, k) ? [
                [k, O[k]]
            ] : []), []