In the routing of vue, it is often seen that someone writes path:''. What does this mean?

problem description

In the routing of

vue, it is often seen that someone writes path:"". What does this mean?

for example, the following:

path: "",
component: Layout,
redirect: "dashboard",
children: ...

this is generally used to do more tab pages, all first-level routes are written as path:'', and then the components are all Layout,. This Layout is generally a basic layout, including the left sidebar and the top menu, and then the actual page to be displayed is written in chidren, using nested routing. In this way, which page is loaded only changes the content of a view area, and the left menu and top navigation remain the same. For example, the effect of iview-admin:

path routing parameter. When the path matches the current routing parameter, it will jump to the page component corresponding to component.
it is recommended to refer to vue-router in this project. The reduced dropdown component of the sideMenu on the left. If there is a three-level menu. Move the mouse over the three-level menu. The secondary menu will disappear. How to modify this bug?
