Vue, how to do multiple countdown?

    getOpenTime(Pinyin,Id) {                   
      this.$post("", { token: this.token, gameId: Id }).then(res => {
        this.OpenTime[Pinyin] =

OpenTime now receives a countdown to a set of numbers
five sets of seconds from this interface address

setIntervalForTime(Pinyin) {
            <li v-for="(item, index) in collectionList" :key="index">
              <router-link :to="{name:"/games",params:{gameId:item.Id}}" >
                <img :src="item.url">
                <div class="count_down">
                  <div class="deadline-number">

what about multiple countdown?


see you ask questions so attentively. Is it convenient to release your data? I don't know the data structure. I don't know what kind of countdown you want to achieve from the image code you gave me.
which numbers are 600 seconds countdown, 500 seconds countdown? Or what?

although I don't understand your description, looking at your code feels that your idea should be the countdown effect looped in v-for. There are two ways to solve the problem. 1 is to use filter,2 to package li separately into components, and directly v-for loop components
