When the element table is fixed to the rightmost action bar, why does the pop-up modal box cause the background to turn gray as a whole?

  1. problem description:

before element table has not fixed the rightmost action bar, click the edit button, everything is fine, and the normal effect is as follows:



the code is as follows:

// fixed="right"
<el-table-column  label="" fixed="right">
                <template slot-scope="scope">
                    <div align="center">
                         <el-button type="success" @click="updateData(scope.row)" size="mini"></el-button>
                        <!--  -->
                        <moban-edit-dialog :data="scope.row" style="display:inline" @refreshList="refreshMoban">
                            <template slot-scope="moban" >
                                <el-button type="primary" @click="moban.click"  size="mini"></el-button>

how to solve this problem?


add: modal-append-to-body='false' to the el-dialog tag, because if the el-dialog pop-up box sets the modal-append-to-body='true' (default) attribute, its mask layer will be inserted under the body tag
