The closable of Modal is not valid.

problem description

related codes

/ / Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures)

<Modal  v-model="showvisible" :title="itemtitle" width="45px"  :mask-closable="false" :footer-hide="true" :loading="managerloading">
    <i-form ref="modifyForm" v-if="showvisible" :model="dockingInfo" label-position="right" :label-width="80" inline>
        <form-Item prop="SYSID" label="">
             <i-input type="text" v-model="dockingInfo.SYSID" disabled></i-input>
        <form-Item prop="SYSNAME" label="">
            <i-input type="text" v-model="dockingInfo.SYSNAME" disabled></i-input>

        <form-Item prop="SYSTYPE" label="">
            <i-combox  dict="EXTLX" v-model="dockingInfo.SYSTYPE" valuefield="SYSTYPE" textfield="SYSTYPE_TEXT" :disabled="true" style="width: 160px" ></i-combox>

        <form-Item prop="SERVERID" label="">
            <i-input type="text" v-model="dockingInfo.SERVERID" disabled></i-input>

        <form-Item prop="LINKSTR" label="">
            <i-input type="text" v-model="dockingInfo.LINKSTR" disabled></i-input>
        <form-Item prop="DISPATCH" label="">
            <i-combox  dict="ESJXFFS" v-model="dockingInfo.DISPATCH"  valuefield="DISPATCH" textfield="DISPATCH_TEXT"  :disabled="true" style="width: 160px"></i-combox>

        <form-Item prop="ORGS" label="" style="width: 500px">

            <checkbox-group v-model="orgsSelected"  @change="change(index)">
                <Checkbox  v-for="(item,index) in orgsList" :value="item" :key="item" :label="item" disabled>


what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?

I expect that there should be a fork in the upper right corner of the pop-up window to close the pop-up box, the property is closable, does not write the default is true ah, what"s wrong with my code? I hope all the bosses can give their advice


also, which line can I click on the system for further details, or can I close it? Is it caused by one of my attributes that I didn"t write?


I also use the model of antd. When I extract model as a subcomponent, maskClosable is invalid as true. My solution is to find the click callback event of the mask layer, but set its v-model to false, when I click, and then set it to false,.
