[Tencent Map] Click a Marker, and then change the style; the rest of the Marker style will be restored to its original state

has been messing with Tencent Map recently, and then the product manager asked that there are two states of Marker, selected and unselected. When I click on one of the annotations, the style is replaced by the selected style, and if it was previously selected, it reverts to the unselected style.

tried several ways I thought of, but none of them worked; it wasn"t in the development documentation either. I have come to ask for help. If this can be achieved, how can it be achieved? I"d better have some code that I can refer to ~

const latlngs = [];
    const test = [];
    let datas;
    if (this.allProjects) {
      datas = this.allProjects;
      for (let j = 0; j < this.allProjects.length; jPP) {
        latlngs.push(new qq.maps.LatLng(this.allProjects[j].maLat, this.allProjects[j].maLng));
        test.push(new qq.maps.LatLng(this.allProjects[j].maLat, this.allProjects[j].maLng));

    for (let i = 0; i < latlngs.length; iPP) {
      // ,
      if (this.allProjects[i].hasParkingLot()) {
        let marker = new qq.maps.Marker({
          icon: noSelectedIcon,
          position: latlngs[i],
          map: this.map

        qq.maps.event.addListener(marker, "click", () => {
          infoWin.setContent("<div style="text-align:center;white-space:" +
              "nowrap;margin:10px;font-size:0.2rem;">" +
              datas[i].maName + "</div>");
          this.map.panTo(latlngs[i]);  // 
          this.selectedProject = datas[i];

          // debugger
          this.markerSelect = marker;


that"s it. According to the API given by Tencent Map and the example method, I looped out all the points in the coordinate group, so that each marker clicked is a single message clicked, not several contained in it. However, each time a change to the icon setting marker.setIcon is an one-time modification of all, speechless.

how to crack this?

suppose there is really no API implementation
to monitor marker clicks, store clicked marker and restore the previous marker
style switch

marker can write its own style by creating / removing marker.

well, there is no substantive answer here.
so I went to CSDN to ask a question. As soon as I finished asking the question, I saw an article like this below. Click
to see that it is JAVA, but the logic is the same, and now it is done according to the logic.

