There is no rich text editor similar to Wechat's background editing graphics and text, open source.

is there a boss who knows where there is a rich text editor similar to Wechat"s background editing graphics and text, open source. In doing a demand, customers edit pictures and text in the background, and then show in the foreground, I use Baidu"s ueditor to do an editor, customers are used to editing articles with Wechat"s background graphics and text, want to adjust line spacing, kerning, picture size, etc., Baidu"s rich text editor does not adjust line spacing, kerning function. Do you know any rich text editor that can upload and resize pictures and adjust line spacing and kerning at the same time?

kindEditor you can adjust line spacing, but this rich text editor is very powerful. You can customize the editor toolbar


the following figure shows the line spacing code,

reference document add a custom plug-in you can customize a kerning toolbar, and then use it.

official documentation:

I wonder if this kindEditor is similar to the rich text editor that you said is similar to Wechat's background editing pictures and text.

wangEditor this is very easy to use, I always use this.
official document:

Baidu ueditor Editor,

summernote Editor:
ckeditor Editor:
