Which third-party plug-in for rich text editing in ts environment?

the basic environment is vue+element, and ts, which makes me feel very uncomfortable. I can"t find the supported rich text. I"ve tried several commonly used ones before, such as wangeditor,Vue-Quill-Editor,my-vue-editor, but I can"t use them properly.
I"d like to ask if there is a suitable editor that can recommend to me


it is recommended to use tinymce https://codeshelper.com/a/11.
to be re-encapsulated with https://codeshelper.com/a/11.


typescript just open allowJs . The

of Baidu used in my project

the ts, used in my vue project to introduce vue-quill-editor requires @ types/vue-quill-editor this type definition package, but I can't find it, so is this the reason why vue-quill-editorde can not be used in ts projects?
