Does Glide set header, or can't load pictures?

I have nothing to do recently. I want to learn the technology of stealing links to grab pictures from other people"s web pages. But recently encountered a strange problem, when using Glide and OkHttpUtils to load pictures, Glide unexpectedly failed to load pictures and OkHttpUtils succeeded. I hope God will give me some advice. Explain why Glide didn"t succeed. Is there a solution?

set header using Glide but did not get the picture. The code is as follows:

     .load(new GlideUrl(url, new LazyHeaders.Builder().addHeader("Referer", "https://******").build()))                   

set header using OkHttpUtils to get the picture successfully. The code is as follows:

OkHttpUtils.get().url(url).addHeader("Referer","https://******").build().execute(new BitmapCallback() {
        public void onError(Call call, Exception e, int code) {

        public void onResponse(Bitmap response) {
