Does elementUI have multiple upload problems at the same time?

1. The project currently needs to make a list of multiple contracts, each containing an uploaded upload component




2 index=0

3 index=0 upload index = 0


can be added through ref, dynamically set ref, such as: ref= "upload_1", 1 is your index, turn off automatic upload manually, auto-upload= "false"; click upload departure this.$refs.upload_1.submit (), so that you can know which one is uploaded each time

I don't know if I understand what you mean, but I think it's OK to write it this way:

removeContract(contract) {
    var index = this.contractList.indexOf(contract)
    if (index !== -1) {
      this.contractList.splice(index, 1)

how is the picture you uploaded saved, with each corresponding variable, or with the same variable
