Always want to know what will happen if the server has too much close-wait status?

first of all, to be clear, the client (the party that initiates the request) and the server (there is a service listening on port 8080, for example).
OK, because of the definition of tcp connection quad , the requesting party needs to constantly consume its own number of ports to establish a tcp connection with port 8080 of the server.

so if the client closes the connection actively, there are two possibilities:
1, if the client has too much time-wait, the client will run out of ports.
2, the server (passively shut down) for various reasons, there is a large number of close-wait, but this does not affect the number of ports on the server, because the port of the server is always 8080, so will too much close-wait affect the server at this time?

extended problem: assuming that the server closes the connection actively, it should not be a problem for the server to have a large number of time-wait, but for the same reason, because the server always uses only its own port 8080 to establish a connection.
