How postcss ignores a folder

how to use postcss, in vue-cli3 to ignore a folder and not let it affect the style inside?

the vue.config.js code is as follows

css: { // chainWebpackcss loader
modules: false, //  "foo.module.css" 
extract: true, // css ExtractTextPlugin<style>            html
sourceMap: false, // false
loaderOptions: { // css
  css: {
    localIdentName: "[name]-[hash]",
    camelCase: "only"
  postcss: {
      // test: /\.css$/,
      // loader: "postcss",
      // exclude: path.resolve(__dirname,"/node_modules/"),
  stylus: {}

ask the boss for answers

Hello, landlord! There is something wrong with your configuration. You can try the following configuration, which can be tested by yourself.


if it is helpful, please click to adopt it, thank you ~
