Mobile hybrid app development: Android Changan forbids, ios slips and forbids speech

first contact with mobile development: how to achieve this function? What plug-in do you use?

1. Group owners can ban fans, Android Changan ban, ios left slide ban, when the ban appears pop-up window "sure to ban Ta?"

2. Confirm, cancel. Make sure it"s on the left


you don't need a plug-in, just listen for touch-related events.

  1. long press is to determine whether the time interval between finger pressing and leaving is greater than the specified number of milliseconds;
  2. the left stroke determines whether the distance between the coordinate point pressed by the finger and the coordinate point leaving is greater than the specified length, and the x coordinate of the point away from the point is less than the x coordinate of the point pressed;
  3. The
  4. pop-up window is displayed in the callback function of the event. As for making sure the button is on the left. It's not hard.

I think the difficulty is how to determine whether the phone type is Android or IOS,. It may not be good to use UA detection alone. Try to let the native developer give you an interface and judge based on the returned data.

and I don't know if your left row ban is like QQ that will draw a button, drawer style. If so, I don't think it will be consistent with the Android page.
