What is the time complexity of Py calculating fib binary recursive solution?

I wrote

def recursive_function_cache(func):
     cache = dict()
     def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
         parameters = (tuple.__repr__(args), dict.__repr__(kwargs))
         if parameters not in cache:
             cache.update({parameters : func(*args, **kwargs)})
         return cache.__getitem__(parameters)  -sharp
     return wrapper
def Fibonacci_sequence_06 (n: int) -> int:  -sharpnnFibonacci
     assert isinstance(n, int), "n is an error of non-integer type."
     def Calculate_Fibonacci_sequence (n: int) -> int:
         if n>=3:
             if (n & 1) == 0:  -sharpn
                 one_half_fib_n = Calculate_Fibonacci_sequence(n >> 1)
                 one_half_fib_n_minus_one = Calculate_Fibonacci_sequence((n >> 1) - 1)
                 return ((one_half_fib_n_minus_one << 1) + one_half_fib_n) * one_half_fib_n
             else:  -sharpn
                 return Calculate_Fibonacci_sequence(n >> 1) ** 2 + Calculate_Fibonacci_sequence((n >> 1) + 1) ** 2
         elif n in (1, 2):
             return 1
         elif n==0:
             return 0
     if n>=0:
         return Calculate_Fibonacci_sequence(n)
         return None

it takes 3 seconds to calculate the 10 millionth item, which is 100 times longer than the matrix method.
I think the time complexity is log (n). Check that
has been called recursively for 59 times, but there is so much time difference between it and the measured time of matrix method.
where is the high complexity hidden


the time complexity is indeed log (n)
slow because the operation of large numbers built into Python is too slow
see https://www.jianshu.com/p/9d1.
