The echarts legend does not display when Vue switches the second tab page

< tab: line-width=3 active-color="-sharp0094E0" VMI model = "index" >

            <tab-item class="vux-center" :selected="demo === item" v-for="(item, index) in headLine" @click="demo = item" :key="index">
  <swiper v-model="index" :show-dots="false">
            <swiper-item v-for="(item, index) in headLine" :key="index">
                <div class="tab-swiper vux-center">
                   <!--  {{item}} -->
                      <div id="myChart"></div>
                      <div id="myCharts"></div>
                      <x-button @click.native="goBuild()">XXXX</x-button>


Brother, are you sure you won't make a mistake by using id= "myChart" and id= "myCharts" in the loop < swiper-item >? It needs to be changed here
