How does Android call the methods method in vue?

I wrote a method in methods in vue, which is exposed to Android in mounted, as follows:

methods: {



mounted () {

window.outGoodsResult = self.outGoodsResult

he said it was called, but my alert didn"t pop up the data, or did he not call it? Before, he said there was no change to the code, but I didn"t have it either. Is there any other way for Android to call the method in vue? I have also tried to write this way as follows:
window ["outGoodsResult"] = function (val) {


I can"t write it like this. What"s the reason, please?

has this been added in the native? if not, the alert box in JS will not pop up

// WebChromeClient:WebViewJavaScript
mWebView.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient());

are you mixed developers? don't you all have to go through jsbridge to bridge? I just got in touch with mixed development, too. We use dsbridge , which is not bad. You can try


1.JS Code

<script type="text/javascript">

    window.onload = function() {
        var MyComponent = Vue.extend({
            methods: {
                vfunc: function() {
            created() {
                window.vue = this

        var vm = new Vue({
            el: '-sharpapp',
            components: {
                'my-component': MyComponent
        window.vm = vm;

    } //]]>

    function callVueJsMethod() {

2.Java Code

  • allow dialog boxes such as alert to pop up:
WebView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient());
WebView.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient());
  • call the JS method:
WebView.loadUrl("javascript: callVueJsMethod()");


WebView.evaluateJavascript("javascript: callVueJsMethod()", null);

p.s.JSBridge has another problem. Portal:

  1. github:lzyzsd/JsBridge (Android)
  2. github:marcuswestin/WebViewJavascriptBridge (iOS)

maybe your Android webview does not support alert.
Let him take a look at it or call other methods here to test whether the function has been called
