How to deal with vue when this.$router.go (- 1), it is judged that the keepAlive of the specified page is true? when it is returned to the specified page.

it is known that there is a page A, and this page has multiple pages that can be routed to jump over, such as: the BMagne C ~ (?) D page. Page A has a click event goIndex to return to the previous page. How to process and judge in page A that when the returned page is B, set the $route.meta.keepAlive of page B to true?
A page code as follows:


because the B page also has multiple entries, it may be returned from the A page, or it may be routed from the H page. Therefore, it cannot be set to meta: {keepAlive: true} directly in the index.js of the route.

so, how to set the keepAlive of the route to page B to true when page B is returned on page A?


I think you can write it this way. Page B has a lot of entries, but page B knows which page came from
, so you can put it in the hook of page B:

 beforeRouteEnter (to, from, next) {
      next(vm => {
          if (from.path === '/A') {

    <div style="height:100%">
    <!--  -->
        <router-view v-if="$route.meta.keepAlive">
      <router-view v-if="!$route.meta.keepAlive"></router-view>

  meta: {
    keepAlive: false // 

  meta: {
    keepAlive: true // 

Brother, how did you solve the kneeling plea
