VUE,axios installed es6-promise, for compatibility with IE,. Why is it-- save-dev instead of-- save?

this is not needed in the production environment, how to install the development environment is dependent, and the production environment is also effective?


The syntax of

es6 is used by the development environment, and the code that is compiled into es5,es5 is recognized by the browser. So you only use-- save-dev for this plugin. And like some libraries, you also need to use in the production environment, use-- save, such as JQuery, itself is a browser can run the js library, in the production environment is still used as is, compilation will not change the syntax.

-- save--dev depends on both development and production

entering npm install, normally installs both dependencies and devDependencies, so you can't see the difference.

execute npm install-- production , install only dependencies, and ignore devDependencies.

so it's best to distinguish between production and development packages

npm run build converts es6 to es5, so it's useless after packaging, it's just a tool
