Vue+jest Analog Asynchronous

1: first of all, I found a lot of web addresses by myself, but they didn"t work, and even the official website didn"t seem to work.

2: my question is how to simulate async

3: the project is built using vue-cli3 with its own test module

req.js encapsulates axios, and does some parameter processing before sending it

export default function req () {
    // ...

table.vue calls the fetch method to get asynchronous data

import req from "@/utils/req"
export default {
    methods: {
        fetch () {
            // ...
            req(data).then(() => {
                // ...
< H2 > Supplementary test code < / H2 >
// wrapper = mount(vue)
it("-sharp-sharp fetch data success", (done) => {
        wrapper.vm.$nextTick(() => {




< H2 > reported this error. = 3 = I don"t understand. I use the table component of element. In my fetch function, req gets the data and binds it < / H2 >.

how can I use jest to test whether the fetch function is executed correctly and that req can return data

or how do I use jest to simulate the req function so that it doesn"t actually make a network request, but returns the simulation data I set

or there is a boss who can give a similar example, I will make a reference


then you need mock axios

dear, have you solved this problem? I have the same problem.

I have also encountered this problem today. Although this post has been mentioned for a long time, I will answer it as a record. After trying, there are two ways to achieve it:

  1. the api file that mock needs to use,
  2. mock the entire ajax;.

the first way

// api/bank.ts
import axios from '@/assets/utils/axios';
import { AjaxData } from '@/store/types';
import { PREFIX } from './types';

export interface BankItem {
  nameCode: string; // 
  name: string; // 
  icon: string; // logo url
  singleNumLimit: number; // :
  singleDayLimit: number; // :
export interface GetSupportBankListReturn {
  list: BankItem[];
export function getSupportBankList(showLoading = true) {
  return axios.get<AjaxData<GetSupportBankListReturn>>(
// BankLimitTable.vue
import { getSupportBankList } from '@/api/bank';

created() {
    getSupportBankList().then(({ data: resData }) => {
      const { code, data } = resData;

      if (!code && data && data.list) {
        this.banckLimitList = data.list;
// bankLimitTable.test.ts
import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils';
import BankLimitTable from './BankLimitTable.vue';
import flushPromises from 'flush-promises';
import * as Api from '@/api/bank';
jest.mock('@/api/bank'); // mock api

// mock
(Api.getSupportBankList as any).mockImplementation(() => {
  return Promise.resolve({
    data: {
      code: 0,
      data: {
        list: [
            icon: 'icon',
            singleDayLimit: 1900000,
            name: '',
            nameCode: 'BCC',
            singleNumLimit: 15000000,
            icon: 'icon',
            singleDayLimit: '',
            name: '',
            nameCode: 'BCC',
            singleNumLimit: 15000000,

describe('', () => {
  test('', async () => {
    const wrapper = shallowMount(BankLimitTable);
    await flushPromises();

      wrapper.find('table  > tr:nth-child(2) > td:nth-child(3)').text(),


the second way
see the high-praise answer

in this post

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