What do you do when img blocks background?

set up an animation animation, add a warning to the background icon, without a picture, (img) is all right, after adding the picture, the picture covers the warning icon (background)

    height 100%
    float left
    width 83%
    padding-left 2%
        overflow hidden
            height 90px
            overflow-x auto
            overflow-y hidden 
            position relative
                padding-top 2px
                    animation mymove 1s infinite
                    animation none
                padding-left 5px
                left 0px
                top 0px
                position absolute
                height 84px
                overflow-x auto 
                white-space nowrap
                display flex 
                    border 3px solid red
                    height 76px
                    width 64px
                    display inline-block
                    float left
                    font-size 13px
                    text-decoration none
                    margin 0 6px 0 0
                        height 77px
                        width 64px
                    border 3px solid transparent
                    position relative
                    color white
                    position absolute
                    top -3px
                    right -4px
                    font-size 12px
                    height 18px
                    width 18px
                    text-align center
                    background red
                    border-radius 50%
                    font-style normal
                    font-weight bold
@keyframes mymove
    from {
        border-color -sharp1d2029
        background none
        background-position bottom right 
    to {
        border-color red
        background url("../../../assets/icon/warning_s.png") no-repeat
        background-position bottom right 
<div class="list">
    <div class="wrap">
        <div class="cont">
            <ul class="suspectList">
                <li v-for="(item,index) in abnormalArr" :class="{"stopBlink":item.isBlink}" :key="index" @click="abnormalArrShow(index)">
                    <!-- <img :src="system_picUrl + item.imageAddress"> -->

requirements: warn icon (background) that you can flash on the picture (img)

just take the icon warning "warning" as the pseudo element of li and absolutely locate it

li {
  position: relative;
li:after {
  content: "";
  position: absolute;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  top: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  animation: mymove 1s infinite;
li.stopBlink:after {
  animation: none;

content will definitely obscure the background. It can be changed to position
