The problem of garbled code after installing Firefox browser under Ubuntu 14 to open the web page.

under the Ubuntu 14 system, after installing the graphical operation interface, open your own Firefox browser and go to the home page of Baidu. The garbled code is shown as shown in the figure


found several methods on the Internet and tried them all. Are there any great gods who have encountered such a problem and how to solve them?


look at the Chinese fonts that are not displayed, and guess that the default setting of the system is English.
try to modify the language supported by ubuntu, apply it to the whole system, and then open the web page to see if there is any garbled code.

1. Install wqy-zenhei fonts
apt-get install ttf-wqy-zenhei
2. Modify the system font configuration file / etc/fonts/conf.d/49-sansserif.conf
Open / etc/fonts/conf.d/49-sansserif.conf this file:
vim / etc/fonts/conf.d/49-sansserif.conf
then change the font of the penultimate line to WenQuanYi Zen Hei, This is as follows:

< fontconfig >

< match target=" pattern ">
< test qual=" all "name=" family "compare=" not_eq ">
< string > sans-serif < / string >
< / test >
< test qual=" all "name=" family "compare=" not_eq ">
< string > string < / serif > < serif Restart chrome,
